Xu, Yizhou. (2021, June). Dislocating Chineseness: Paratextuality of Chinese Mobile Game Production in Going Abroad. 18th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) Conference. *Virtual
Xu, Yizhou. (2021, March). Locked Down but not Locked Out: DingTalk and Digital Workplace Surveillance in Times of COVID-19. Symposium on Narratives of COVID-19 in China and the World: Technology, Society, and Nations. Center on Digital Culture and Society, University of Pennsylvania. *Virtual
Xu, Yizhou. (2020, October). Projecting Orientalism: Game of Sultans and the Politics of Reskinned Chinese Mobile Games. 2020 Chinese DiGRA Conference. University of Nottingham – Ningbo. *Virtual
Xu, Yizhou. (2020, June). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. ICA Preconference on Social Media, Algorithms, News, and Public Engagement in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond. *Virtual
Xu, Yizhou. (2020, April). Haier Brothers, Everyday Appliances and the Queer Production of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures. Media Industries Conference. London, UK. *Canceled due to COVID-19
Xu, Yizhou. (2020, March). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. NYU-Shanghai Global China Conference, Shanghai, China. *Canceled due to COVID-19
Xu, Yizhou. (2019, March). Sonic Arenas: Radiosports and Civil-Military Interaction During Mao-era China. Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) 2019 Conference. Seattle, WA.
Xu, Yizhou. (2018, May). Machinic Dreams: Technographic Inquiry into the Censorship of Chinese Chatbots. Presented at ICA Pre-Conference on Data and Publics. Prague, CZ.
Xu, Yizhou. (2018, March).Video Essay: Danmu Culture and Postmodernity. Presented at 5th Trans/Asia Graduate Student Conference. Madison, WI.
Xu, Yizhou. (2017, June). Digitizing Death: The Virtual Commemoration of Joss Paper Rituals. Presented at Symposium on Digital Formations and Chinese Experiences: Creation, Appropriation, and Circulation. Penn Wharton Center, Beijing, China.
Xu, Yizhou. (2017, May). Digitizing Death: The Virtual Commemoration of Joss Paper Rituals. Presented at ICA Pre-Conference on Varieties of Public and Counterpublics. San Diego, CA.
Xu, Yizhou. (2016, July). Digital Palimpsest: The Postmodern Aesthetics of Chinese Online Comment Cultures. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Communication and the Public. Penn Warton Center, Beijing, China.
Xu, Yizhou. (2019, November). Dislocating Chineseness: Paratextuality of Chinese Mobile Game Production in Going Abroad. Workshop at Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, China
Xu, Yizhou. (2019, November). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. Workshop at Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, China
Xu, Yizhou. (2016, June). Digital Palimpsest: The Postmodern Aesthetics of Chinese Online Comment Cultures. Presented at workshop at Soochow University. Suzhou, China.
Xu, Yizhou. (2013, August). “Digital media and censorship in China”. Invited workshop for the Stanford School of Business GSB Workshop. Beijing, China.