
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

(2021) Digitizing Death: Commodification of Joss Paper on Chinese Online Cemetery 

Journal of Cultural Economy 

(2018) Programmatic Dreams: Technographic Inquiry into the Censorship of Chinese Chatbots 

Social Media + Society 

(2016) The Postmodern Aesthetics of Chinese Online Comment Cultures 

Communication and the Public 

Edited Collections

(2024) DingTalk and Digital Workplace Surveillance in Pandemic Times

Pandemic Crossings: Digital Technology, Everyday Experience, and Governance in the COVID-19 Crisis (edited by Bingchun Meng, Guobin Yang & Elaine J. Yuan)

(2024) Localizing Empires

Made in Asia/America Why Video Games Were Never (Really) about Us (edited by Christopher Patterson & Tara Fickle)

(2024) Mingbi

The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3: A hitchhiker’s guide to informal problem-solving in human life (edited by Alena Ledeneva)

(2021) App Radio: The Reconfiguration of Audible Publics in China through Ximalaya.FM (with Jeremy Morris)

Engaging Social Media in China: Platforms, Publics, and Production (edited by Guobin Yang & Wei Wang)